Rare Gases for Electronics

Robust Supply Chain for Rapid, Reliable Delivery of Rare Gases

Multiple-site rare gas production, blending and purification facilities to bring our customers worldwide the benefits of long-term security of supply
Giving Customers Choice and Flexibility

We have built a robust supply chain spanning internal production and external partners, cryogenic production and purification technologies, proprietary IP for the blending and analysis of laser gas mixes, in-house quality control capabilities as well as plant design and engineering.

The following rare gases are available in a variety of cylinder sizes and delivery modes:

  • Helium - We operate the most diverse portfolio of helium-producing assets
  • Argon - Production off-site, delivery and on-site storage as liquid, with distribution on demand
  • Neon, krypton and xenon - Produced with our air separation units, backed by purification, blending and mixing capabilities
  • Xenon difluoride - Global distribution and direct air shipment
  • Xenon and neon recovery - On-site recovery and off-site reclamation, purification and analysis
  • Complete portfolio of laser gases - ArF, KrF, Kr/Ne, Ar/Xe/Ne, as well as HCl and BCl3 mixes
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